My name is Zoey Lackie. I am a Writer, Designer, and Photographer. My goal? To use my creative gifts for the God's glory. 
I am a New England native, where the leaves change color and people are actually as angry as they look (Yes, the stereotype is true, New Englanders are angry people). I graduated in May 2020, with a Bachelors in Professional Writing, and since then my life has been a whirlwind. Currently, My husband and I live in central New Hampshire where I work as a social media and marketing specialist for a residential recovery ministry.
I like finding God in the little things. I find him in the rising morning sun. I see his hand in the vast mountain ranges, or in the deep valleys. I even see him in the person who shows me a sliver of kindness. 
Now, if you're still with me after reading all those fantastical ramblings, I invite you to see the many places I've found my awesome God, and maybe, even start to see Him for yourself.