When I was thinking of themes for this blog and portfolio, I was stumped. I wanted to share my thoughts and feelings but was torn by the other bloggers and writers who preached that a popular niche was necessary to successful blogging.
After many soul-searching hours and spending months researching blogging and niches, I realized that didn’t necessarily want to be a successful blogger. I wasn’t in it for the money. Blogging, for me, is a way to perfect my craft. It’s a way for me to practice the abilities that God has given me and share what He has taught me through bumps in the road.
Anything I’ve learned or wisdom I’ve gained is shared here. Why? Because in a culture where all we see are perfect lives and beautiful instagram posts, reality has lost its place.
This blog is going to have problems because that’s what life is—problematic.
Here is where I share what I’ve learned and the steps I took to get there, no matter how messy and imperfect they may be.
I’m not writing to be an influencer or to make thousands of dollars on the internet. I’m not going to tell you “Ten Things to do When You Feel Depressed,” because a having a check list doesn’t guarantee perfection or happiness. I’m going to tell you what I’m going through and share what I have learned with those who will listen. And maybe—just maybe—my words can help someone other than myself.
So to sum it up, you could say that this is my lifestyle blog. But rather than giving you outfit tips or eating habits, I’m giving life as seen through my eyes.
If you want to read about how to become a successful blogger or a perfect influencer then you should read somewhere else, because this blog is not perfect and neither is the author. This blog is going to have problems because that’s what life is—problematic.

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