Introduction: The copy below is an informational article written for Love Is Ministry Tampa. This ministry works with Refugee kids in the Tampa area, helping them get settled in their new life in America. Below is information for a fundraiser that the ministry does each year.
What are refugees?
Refugees are people fleeing from war and violence in their native countries. They come to the United States legally through refugee camps all over the world. Each refugee goes through legal processes that allow them to become U.S. citizens before arriving on U.S. soil. Because they are coming to a new country, refugees need help getting settled in America’s way of life.
How Does Love Is Ministry help?
At Love is Ministry, we meet refugees where they are and help them adjust to their new life here in the United States. Many refugees speak uncommon languages like Swahili, French, or Burmese, making communication in America extremely difficult and nearly impossible. Through various programs, we help refugees in the Tampa Bay area integrate into American life as well as give them the Gospel of Christ.

At Love is Ministry, we provide programs such as Soccer Ministry, Youth Discipleship, English Classes, Awana Bible Club, Tutoring, and Summer Camp. We provide these programs to show them love and kindness during their transition. Our ministry is made up of countless volunteers and leaders that take time out of their busy schedules to minister to these refugee families through our multiple programs.

What is Strides for the Globe?
Strides for the Globe is our yearly fundraiser here at Love Is Ministry. Each year, families all over the Tampa area come to run (or walk) in support of reaching the local refugee community with the Gospel.

Why do we need a fundraiser like Strides for the Globe?
Fundraisers like Strides for the Globe help with the general expenses of Love Is Ministry. Because we are a nonprofit organization, we are in constant need of funds for expenses like school supplies for our tutoring program, soccer jerseys for our soccer leagues, or supplies for our Awana programs. Unless God provides the funds through generous donors, Love Is Ministry cannot continue to provide these awesome programs for the local refugees.

When is it?
Our next Strides for the Globe 5K will be January 11, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. So, get your running shoes and sign up for Strides for the Globe 5K! 

Where is it?
This year, Strides for the Globe will be held in Gadsden Park.
Address: 6901 S. MacDill Avenue
Tampa, FL 33611

How can I get involved in Strides for the Globe?
There are a variety of ways that you can get involved in Strides for the Globe. The primary way is by signing up for the Strides for the Globe 5K. Each year, runners and nonrunners alike register to run or walk in this family friendly 5K race. Last year, our 5K had over 80 participants! This year we would love to see over 150 runners. So, come out and support our refugees!

If running in a 5K doesn’t suit you, you can also contribute by donating to the fundraiser directly. Each fundraiser comes along with multiple fees including: Venue, Liability Insurance, rewards, t-shirts, timing chips, and bibs.

Below is a list of our upcoming expenses for the 2020 Strides for the Globe 5K.
Sponsor Venue- $742.75
Sponsor Liability Insurance- $400
Sponsor Rewards- $1,300
Sponsor t-shirts- $2,500
Sponsor Timing Chips/Bibs-$800

We understand that not everyone can give monetarily. There are other ways that you can still be involved such as volunteering. Fundraisers like these don’t happen overnight. We need generous volunteers to help with set up clean up, or even bring snacks and waters for the runners. Any volunteers would be gladly accepted and greatly valued!

How can my business sponsor this event?
If you are a local business that would like to sponsor this event there are three levels of Sponsorship each coming with its own set of rewards:

Gold Level: Minimum of $550
Name and Logo listed on the back of the runner’s t-shirts.
Name and Logo listed on the Strides for the Globe website.
Name and Logo on each runner’s bib.
May include your merchandise in runner’s goody bag.
3 t-shirts provided.
Area to set up booth or table at event (must supply own equipment).
Donor acknowledgement on Facebook and Instagram.
Silver Level: Minimum $400
Name and logo listed on the back of the t-shirt.
Name and Logo listed on the Strides for the Globe website.
2 t-shirts provided.
Area to set up booth or table at event (must supply own equipment.

Bronze Level: Minimum $250
Name on the back of the t-shirt
1 t-shirt provided

Note: To be considered a sponsor, all registered information and donations must be submitted by October 25, 2019 to Sami Perez. For more information on sponsorships contact Sami at
If you have any questions, concerning Strides for the Globe or Love Is Ministry, please contact Jill Collins at

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